Wednesday, June 10, 2009

am i getting more tattoos done?????

yea i think i am grtting more tattoos done but don`t know what though do any one have an idea let me know. i was thikin bout somthing on my arms becaues that the esayest and best place to get a tattoo done i think no one can realy see it in caes of jobe and from what i herd tattoos on your arm don`t hurt that much but from after getting this tattoo done on my neck i think all tattoos hurt don`t matter where you get it done at but thats just my opinion some poeole think no tattoos hurt i don`t know if they say that to look cool or if it just realy don`t hurt them that much but mines hurt like crazy

did my tattoos hurt?????

for does who are wondering yes my tattoos hurt like crazy becase it`s on my neck that is a very soft place to get a tattoo done some peole lye and say that tattoos don`t hurt but i`m not gone lye it hurt like crazy just ask my son bah lol i promiss my self never to get a next tattoo done on my neck not becaues of the pain but because i slimmer my chances of getting jobs

wtich rapper has the best tattos

the rapper with the best tattoos i think is lil wanye this dude has a tattoo on evry single part of his body just look at the piture i have of him om my blog page like i think you have to have some real guts to do such a thing he even have tattoos on his eye lids like that just strait up stupid it`s no need for all does tattoos on your body but likes it and most people do so guiess it`s cool to have al does tattoo and not to mention how long that took to do well is oveosly he didn`t get it done all at one time it took months or probly years who knows but that just crazy thats my opinon he took the crown in my book lol!!!!!

crazy and stupid tattoos

i seen some crazy and stupid tattoos befor like for example i hate when some one will get tattoo done it`s mad small like that to me makes no sence because they just want to say that they have a tattoo like i think the hold popurse of getting a tattoo is for poeple to see it but some people is just stupid like for example my tattoo is on my neck where every one could see it but i think i will regret it in the future because it makes my chances of getting a job slimmer wich is not a good thing but it`s gone work out for the best

where is the best place to get tattoos done??????

i say the place to get a tattoo done is at a licened place becuse if anything go wroung you could always sew them lol!!!!! but for kids that are not 18 yet they will more likely to go at a place that`s not safe becaues they do not adk for age thats what i did becuase when i got my tattoo done i was 17 so a licenend tattoo palor would not have done it with out my perents and at the time my mom didn`t aprove of me getting a tattoo don but i still don`t advice you to get a tattoo done by somone who don`t have a licene to do body art work.

is there a way to get a tattos off your body???

to be honest i don`t know if there is a way to get tattoos of your body athogh i did here alot of poeple saying that there is a way to do it some say to keep uesing vasoline and after a while the color starts fading but i don`t think that works the only think i think work is if go get the tattoo lazered off but i that hurt like crazy because a lazer if very hot!!!!!! so it`s like your skin is getting burned off and thats way to much so my advice is to get somtitng that you would not regret in the near future for example i got some stars on my neck but i think the days is getting closer when i will regret it i just hope i don`t regret it

do tattoos hurt????

writing from exprense to awnser your question yes some tattoos do hurt like crazy and some don`t it all depends on were you your tattoos done for example i have a tattoo on my neck and sence thats a soft sensitive place on your body it hurted but hard places like your back,sholder ect don`t realy hurt that much but then agian deffernt poeple have diffrent feelins so for some plces that would not hurt for you it`s goning to be painfull fo others and it`s also acroding what size needle the dude uses because some tattoos use bigger needls than others

is tattoos safe??????????

athogh i have some i think that tattoos are not safe for example many types of infections can be transfered from bad or all ready use needls, some advice is that when you gettin your tattoo done make shure and check to see if the guy who is doin your art work use new needls or to be even more on the safe side after getting your work done go for a blood test it may sound dumb but is better knowin if you got anything wroung whith your blood.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

where is the best place to put a tattoo?????

i say the best place to put it is where know one can see it why u may ask because jobs is harder to find
on this post i will compare these two photos as you can see one is colored and the other is not i say the one on left is better cuase have more details to it you vote wich one you like more.

is it better to get tattoos colored or not????????

i think is better to get tattoos in black and white cause it`s esyer to get it off if you regritt it in near future and tattoos normaly don`t come off so it`s even harder if the tattoo or tattoos is color ifit`s acording to how much.

Friday, May 29, 2009


tattoos could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing in some cases the bad thing is that the person could be use in bad needle's and you could get sick the good thing is that some people get tattoos done because they may need to cover up a spot or may be for religious purpose